Finding things to do for your teens during summer

Finding Things to Do for Your Teens During Summer - Susi Lodola Counselling

Have you teens at home and they are starting to get bored and have nothing to do all day?
Here are some tips on how to survive the summer break and have some fun too.

The best way to find things to do is set some time aside where the family can meet up and have a brain storming session. Careful how you phrase this though, as you don’t want it to sound like you are going to force them into anything. Say something along the lines of “How about we have a chat about what you would like to do over the next few weeks that you don’t get a chance to do once school is back”.

Get pen and paper out and let your teen write down all the ideas that are suggested by all family members. Don’t dismiss any idea off hand, just write them down.

Some ideas to have some fun with your teens:
  1. Offer your teen a lesson, such as golf, tennis, do a first aid course, or an instrument just to explore it if they like it. You might do the lesson together.
  2. Suggest to have a game night – bring out the cards, and other games and invite their friends over, provide Pizza.
  3. Research family history. Encourage your teen to speak to older family members and ask them about their time growing up and record it all on their phone. They may want to use the recording to write a short book with illustrations and make a family tree.
  4. Plan a trip around the world and imagine you have the money to do it. Where would you go? What would you do there? Where would you stay?
  5. Paint stones and hide them (there are groups on Facebook that you can join)
  6. Plan a dinner party and the kids get to choose what to cook.
  7. The last point is, let them relax, let them sleep late and let them just be. The school year carries many pressures and some time off to do nothing is not a bad thing.

Here is a link to a website with great ideas for younger kids

Here is a link to further articles about teens

Have a great summer and have some fun!



If you need more information please get in touch.
[email protected]


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